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Covid-19 information
Le Montclair Montmartre by River Hotels

Following the CORONAVIRUS pandemic, we had to readjust our way of doing things while implementing health recommendations to maintain the quality of service and to welcome you in better conditions.

- Training for all staff "Rethinking customer reception and security in the face of COVID-19"
- The display of hygiene plans in all sensitive parts of the hotel.
- Distancing and limiting the number of people who may be present in the hall.
- Wearing a mask compulsory for teams; we ask our customers to do the same.
- Regular disinfection of common areas and recurring contact points (with virucidal products).
- Hydroalcoholic gel available to staff and customers.
- Plexiglas glass at the reception.
- Observance of the room cleaning protocol.
- Payments should preferably be made by credit card (the device is disinfected after each use)
- Invoices will be sent to you by e-mail (on request)
- Breakfast is by reservation, in the dining room or in the room (preferably to be taken in the room).
- Recoat service only on request.

Do not hesitate to contact us for any other additional questions, we will be happy to answer you.

Pleased to welcome you !